The characteristics of computers are as follows-

  1. Speed
  2. Accuracy
  3. Deligence
  4. Versatility
  5. Reliability
  6. Automation
  7. Memory
  8. Quick Decision
  9. Remebrance Power
  10. Secrecy
  1. Speed:-

A computer works much faster in comparison to human beings. it performs mathematical calculations with very speed without any mistakes. The computer performs millions of instructions within a second. The computer can make millions of calculations in a second.

2. Accuracy:-

The percentage of accuracy of computers is very high. All calculations are performed with a hundred percent accuracy. Errors may occur because of human and inaccurate data.

3. Diligence:-

A computer is free from all types of disturbances like tiredness, lack of interest to perform the work, lack of concentration, fatigue, etc. The computer performs many works for hours without making any mistakes.If millions of calculations are to be worked out then the computer will perform all calculations with the same accuracy. Human beings are very powerful in routine types of works due to the capability of computers.

4. Versatility:-

Computer has multi capacity to perform many different types of works. It does not feel any tiredness or lack of concentration to perform the works. Also, its memory makes this superior to that of human beings.

5. Reliability:-

A computer is reliable. It gives consistent results for the same set of data. For example- If you give the same set of input any number of times, you will get the same result.

6. Automation:-

The computer processes all the works automatically. It performs all tasks without manual interventions.

7. Memory:-

Every computer has built-in memory. It is called primary memory. The data is stored in this memory. Secondary memory storage are removable devices such as pen drives, CDs, etc. These are also used to store data.

8. Quick decision:-

For the results of given based information, the computer took a quick decision and gives the results quickly.

9. Remembrance power:-

A computer has the most powerful memory by which it can remember many data and information. it never forgets any data or information.

10. Secrecy:-

It works very secretly and the user can maintain his/ her data secretly.

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